Sunday, January 24, 2010

Language Comparisons

Recently have been comparing languages:

-avg. word length
-longest word
-number of words
-plot of how many words (x) have certain length (y)

My algorithm:

I first assigned a module to a function which took two arguments: the two compared languages.

In the module:
Using DictionaryLookup[], I got all the words (which Mathematica has) in each of the two languages. Inside, I created another function which made rules where it got the length of each word in the language and associated that number with the word (you'll soon see the whole point of that function). Then, I made it print data for the number of words, the average word length, the longest words, and then a plot of words to the length of each word of both languages.

Out of the module:
Using the module I created, I could compare any two languages of Arabic, BrazilianPortuguese, Breton, BritishEnglish, Catalan, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Faroese, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, IrishGaelic, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, ScottishGaelic, Spanish, Swedish simply by typing:

languageComparisons["Portuguese", "Spanish"]

Isn't it tantalizing?

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